Thursday, August 1, 2013

Quitting smoking post-angioplasty tied to longer life

By Veronica Hackethal, MD

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who quit smoking after a balloon angioplasty to improve blood flow to the heart live an average of two years longer than those who keep smoking, a new study suggests.

Researchers found people who were undergoing balloon angioplasty in their 50s, on average, and quit smoking within one year after the procedure lived another 18.5 years. In contrast, those who continued to smoke lived about 16.4 years, on average, after angioplasty.

"Most (smokers) start smoking in their youth and have a smoking history of 40-50 years," said Ron van Domburg, the senior author of the paper and a clinical epidemiologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

"Most patients think it is too late to quit smoking, but the major message of our study is that it is never too late to stop smoking," he told Reuters Health in an email.

"Even if you're not willing to stop smoking (for) yourself, do it for your grandchildren. They can enjoy their grandparents for an additional two years."

Previous studies have shown that smoking contributes to an increased risk of heart-related illness and death.

But others reflect just how tough it can be to quit smoking. Relapse rates are high, even with medications and behavioral therapies developed to help people kick the habit.

According to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis of 2010 survey data, about 69 percent of smokers want to stop smoking, and about half of these make quit attempts each year. But of those, only about six percent successfully stay off cigarettes.

To determine whether or not quitting smoking is tied to increased life expectancy after heart surgery, van Domburg and his colleagues collected data on 806 patients who underwent balloon angioplasty at Erasmus Medical Center between 1980 and 1985.

During coronary balloon angioplasty, also known as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a balloon-tipped catheter is threaded through blood vessels and the balloon is inflated to clear one or more narrowed vessels.

The researchers asked patients about their smoking habits before and one year after surgery and followed them for up to 30 years. Of the patients, 309 were non-smokers, 210 quit smoking after their surgery and 287 smoked before and after.

Non-smokers and people who had smoked but quit after surgery were equally likely to die during the follow-up period, but death rates were significantly higher among those who continued smoking.

At 30 years post-surgery, 29 percent of quitters were still alive, compared to 14 percent of those who kept smoking, according to findings published in The American Journal of Cardiology. The pattern held after the researchers accounted for health differences between patients at the time of their surgery.

Since the 1980s, new techniques have been developed to treat blocked blood vessels, such as minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and using bare metal or drug eluting stents to permanently prop open blocked vessels.

The researchers said it's possible these advances still may not make up for the damage done by smoking on the heart and other organs in the body. But it's hard to know for sure, according to one researcher not involved in the study.

"This group from the early 1980s is very different from patients who currently undergo PCI for angina and (heart attack) so the results may not apply today," Dr. Timothy Crimmins, director of the Vascular Medicine Laboratory at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, told Reuters Health in an email.

Crimmins noted that the study's importance lies in its long-term follow-up.

"This study is most interesting to me," he said, "Because it actually followed up on a cohort of patients until death, and associated a real increase in life expectancy for patients undergoing PCI who quit smoking."

Crimmins said he planned to use the findings to help encourage his own patients to quit smoking for good.

"Showing patients the deleterious effects of smoking doesn't always inspire them like you think it would," he said. "However, the concrete life expectancy gains this study measured could prove to be motivational."

(The story changes coronary artery bypass grafting to minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting in paragraph 14.)

SOURCE: The American Journal of Cardiology, online July 29, 2013.


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NoFlo Launches Kickstarter Campaign To Help Everyone To Understand And Visualize Code

Henri Bergius3NoFlo, a company that has built an open-source visual programming tool based on "flow-based programming," a concept that came out of IBM in the 1970s, is launchign a $100,000 Kickstarter campaign today to help build a mainstream version of its development environment and add new programming languages.


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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mitt Romney denies 47% remark to Washington Post reporter: 'I didn't say that'

Mitt Romney is backtracking from his controversial "47%" comment during the 2012 presidential campaign, insisting the remark was misconstrued.

The former GOP presidential nominee told Washington Post reporter Dan Balz he "didn't say that" but was forced to respond to the "perception," when Romney was interviewed for Balz's book "Collison 2012."


Romney's race to the White House hit a major roadblock in May 2012, when video emerged of him saying "47%" of voters will choose Obama "no matter what."

The billionaire Republican described this segment of the population as "dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims," in footage taken from a Boca Raton fundraiser on May 17 at the home of private equity manager Marc Leder.


Romney continued that people in this near majority "believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it."

"These are people who pay no income tax. ? My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."


The remarks were made public by Mother Jones magazine and swiftly made the rounds online, with many slamming Romney as a silver spooner and out of touch with reality.

In his tome about the 2012 race, Balz asked Romney for his side of the story.


Initially, Romney said he was in California when the video emerged and was unable to view the actual footage in order to respond.

Balz further pressed him, asking, "When you said there are 47% who won't take personal responsibility ?" but Romney interrupted Balz before he could finish.

"Actually, I didn't say that. ?That's how it began to be perceived, and so I had to ultimately respond to the perception, because perception is reality."

"Collision 2012" will be released Aug. 6.



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Cool Energy gets DOE grant to bring green power to oil and gas fields

Kathleen Lavine | Denver Business Journal

Sam Weaver, president and CEO of Cool Energy.

Cool Energy Inc., a Boulder startup that aims to produce small amounts of electricity from heat that?s normally wasted, has received a $1 million U.S. Department of Energy grant to bring its technology to the nation's oil and gas fields.

Cool Energy said Monday that the Phase II Small Business Innovation Research grant from DOE will be used to finish designing the "GeoHeart Engine," a small generator capable of producing 20 kilowatts of power, and building a prototype, Cool Energy CEO Sam Weaver said in an interview.

Cool Energy focuses on attaching Stirling engines to sources of waste heat to produce electricity. Stirling engines are an alternative to steam engines and use a gas that?s heated and cooled repeated, so that it expands and contracts repeatedly, to drive a crankshaft to generate electricity.

And there?s a lot of potential power that could be produced if Cool Energy?s generator is attached to an oil and gas well, or a compressor station, Weaver said.

?When a well is drilled you get what you?re after ? oil and gas ? and what?s called ?co-produced fluids? such as water,? Weaver said.

And in some areas of the country, where wells are drilled into pockets of geothermal heat, the oil, gas and water that?s pumped to the surface carries the earth?s heat, which can be used in a Stirling engine to produce electricity, he said.

Wells in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana and California ? as well as some locations in Wyoming ? were hot enough, between 200 degrees and 300 degrees Fahrenheit, to be considered for the machine, Weaver said.

That?s based on a previous DOE $150,000 grant to Cool Energy in order to explore its ideas, he said.

Cathy Proctor covers energy, the environment, transportation and construction for the Denver Business Journal and edits the weekly "Energy Inc." newsletter. Phone: 303-803-9233. Subscribe to the Energy Inc. newsletter


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Karl Rove Focuses on Senate GOP Takeover in Fundraising Email

Can the Republican Party pick up six Senate seats in the 2014 election and in the process retake the majority in the U.S. Senate? Republican strategist Karl Rove thinks so.

Rove, a Fox News contributor, is using the possibility of a Senate takeover as a fundraising tool in his latest appeal to GOP donors.

A former senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, Rove sent an email to donors on Sunday citing favorable polls and remarks from former New York Times number cruncher Nate Silver as leading indicators that the GOP has a chance to take back the Senate in 2014, so long as the monetary support is there.

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"Washington is buzzing with the news! Even liberal prognosticators now admit Republicans can pick up six seats to take the U.S. Senate in 2014," Rove's email reads.

In his email suggesting a Republican majority in the Senate is possible, Rove noted that six of the seven Democratic Senate seats up for reelection are in states that were won by Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the 2012 race by a margin of 10 percent or greater.

Rove also highlighted the recent announcement by former Montana Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer that he will not run for the state's open Senate seat in 2014.

"The GOP can win a Senate majority, but it won't be easy. Your support is vital to ensuring Republicans have the resources necessary for victory," Rove's email reads. "Early fundraising is key. Harry Reid knows that: that?s why he announced he?ll try raising $125 million to beat Republicans."

In his attempt to convince GOP donors to make a contribution to the Republican initiative some 16 months before elections are held, Rove also cites "Obama campaign?s favorite number cruncher, Nate Silver."

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In a New York Times "FiveThirtyEight" blog, Silver wrote: "Best guess, after assigning probabilities of the likelihood of a GOP pickup in each state, is that Republicans will end up with somewhere between 50 and 51 Senate seats after 2014, putting them right on the threshold of a majority."

"Not only is Republican candidate recruitment going well and Democratic recruitment badly, but issues are helping," wrote Rove, "with Obamacare, the sluggish job picture, scandals and an incompetent and out-of-touch White House shaping the political landscape."

If Republicans are able to win back the Senate, it will be the first time since losing the majority in 2006.

? 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


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Cabinet Orders Audit of Government Debt

China?s State Council has ordered an audit of all government debt, according to Reuters, a sign that policymakers are concerned with rising debt at the provincial and municipal level amid a slowdown in economic growth:

The audit office, responsible for overseeing state finances, made the announcement in a one-sentence item on its website, but gave no details on the audit.

The official People?s Daily newspaper said separately on its website, citing unidentified sources, that an urgent order for the audit was issued on Friday and work will start this week.

The audit could indicate increased official concern over the systemic risk from rising debt levels in?China, especially debt of local governments, as top leaders slow economic growth in order to promote reform. [Source]

China?s National Audit Office published a report last month detailing an increase in borrowings at local governments since 2010, much of which can be attributed to spending on infrastructure and other development projects to drive growth. Economists worry that some of the most debt-burdened local governments, such as Jiangsu province, may pose a risk to the broader financial system in China. And as The Wall Street Journal reported today, ballooning debt levels limit the options of economic officials as they look to address sluggish growth this year:

China?s gross domestic product growth slowed to 7.5% year-to-year in the second quarter of 2013 from 7.7% in the first quarter, and many economists expect it to slow further in the second half. One option for the government to prevent a sharper slide is to ratchet up public spending.

But high debt means there is a limit to the government?s ability to act. China?s central government debt is low?14.4% of GDP in 2012, according to the International Monetary Fund. Concern centers on rapid growth in borrowing by local governments.

In response to the 2008 financial crisis, many circumvented rules preventing them from taking on debt by setting up investment vehicles to borrow, funding a wave of infrastructure investment. The People?s Daily article said the audit will move quickly into China?s provinces. [Source]

The South China Morning Post?s Daniel Ren wrote today that the audit signals the willingness of Li Keqiang and other top leaders to identify problems with the economy and even endure short-term pain to rebalance it:

?The new cabinet is resolute in ascertaining the risks facing the Chinese economy,? said a Beijing-based source with knowledge of the government?s thinking. ?To a certain extent, the government wants to expose the problems caused by the former leaders.? [Source]


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