Monday, October 8, 2012

How to Finish Your E-Book |

How to Finish Your E-Book

Some time ago you had a great idea for an e-book. From that point until now you?ve likely worked on it intermittently. And it?s not done. It?s not ready to publish. Life got in the way.

Well, it?s time to set that e-book free. It?s time to finish it and make it available to your audience. Here are ten tips to help you finally finish your e-book.

1) Hire a cover artist. You need an attention-grabbing cover that says, ?Buy me now.? Hire that artist and get the ball rolling. Once you see that amazing book cover you?re going to be more motivated than ever to finish it and make it available.

2) Set a deadline. Take a look at how much you have left to do and set a date to finish your book. For example, if your outline has the book at around 150 pages and you have 45 written, then commit to writing three pages a day. You?ll have the book done in 35 days.

3) Write longhand or record it and have someone transcribe it. Sometimes it?s the actual process of writing that stops the flow. If sitting at your keyboard seems to sap all creativity and coherent thought from your brain, try writing longhand or speaking your book into a recorder. You can then hire someone to transcribe it.

4) Buy PLR and use it to fill in the gaps. PLR (Private Label Rights) serves many wonderful purposes. One of those purposes can be to help fill in the gaps in your book. You can use it as is, you can cut and paste, or you can tweak the content to seamlessly fit into your existing content.

5) Look at what you?ve written already ? it?s highly motivating. Take a look through the material you?ve already written. Chances are you?re further along than you thought. Reading what you?ve written will help stimulate more ideas and motivation to continue writing.

6) Create an outline, if you don?t have one already. Your writing may have ceased because you weren?t sure what to write next. Eliminate the guesswork and create an outline.

7) Ask questions. Turn your chapter titles and subheadings into questions ? questions are easy to answer. For example, instead of ?How to finish your e-book,? you might write, ?How do you finish an e-book?? Answering questions is often easier than trying to provide information. You can go back and change the headings to statements once you?ve finished.

8) Schedule writing time. The prolific Nora Roberts offers this sage advice about productivity. She follows the mantra, ?butt in chair.? Sit down and write until it is done. Wipe everything else from your schedule and make your book a priority.

9) Don?t start any new projects until it is done. Chances are you?ve allowed other projects to get in the way of finishing your e-book. Stop all other projects and don?t start any new ones until your book is finished.

10) Announce it publicly. Tell your audience, family, friends, and followers that you?re releasing a new book on a specific date. Now you?re accountable!

Finishing your e-book doesn?t have to be overwhelming. Make it a priority and find a system that works for you. Then get it done!

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