Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cosmetic Surgeries You Probably Didn't Know ... - Hive Health Media

Do you remember the TV series ?Nip/Tuck?? Airing between 2003 and 2009, the brilliantly tawdry, melodramatic and often tongue-in-cheek show portrayed the life and times of two hotshot plastic surgeons. While the storylines were spun heavily with soap opera kink and hypersexual complexity, the show?pushed the envelope when it came to ideas of beauty, vanity and morality, often challenging hot-button social issues while questioning people?s obsessive preoccupation with appearances.

Every week, ?Nip/Tuck?s? fountain of youth narrative was built around a client who wanted to have a specific cosmetic surgery. Many of these procedures were not only strange and avant-garde, but came close to verging on science fiction. ?Nip/Tuck? might have been a TV show, but in the real world of plastic surgery, some of the available procedures are every bit as interesting and entertaining as what took place on TV?s operating table. In fact, in today?s world of hi-tech science and medical ingenuity, facelifts, rhinoplasty and breast augmentations are about as mundane as having an unsightly mole removed. Here?s a closer look at some lesser-known cosmetic surgeries.

Ankle Liposuction for ?Cankles?

Many people are unhappy and self-conscious about the size and shape of their feet, but what about their ankles? The area where the calf muscle and ankle meet is a hot spot for cosmetic repair, especially amongst women. In popular culture, an ankle that appears fattened, swollen or like an extension of the calf muscle is colorfully referred to as a cankle. Of course, a cosmetic surgeon will tell you it?s simply the result of adipose tissue surrounding the soleus tendon. Either way you look at, it?s not uncommon for people to get liposuction to take care of the problem.

The Hourglass Figure

While it sounds like the sort of Frankenstein procedure that would?ve been done during the Victorian era, women have been known to have their lower ribs removed in order to achieve an ideal hourglass figure. This is an extreme and irreversible form of cosmetic surgery. After the lower ribs are removed ? usually ribs 10, 11 or 12 ? the patient will also have to undergo an abdominoplasty.

Eye of the Beholder

Are you tired of wearing contact lenses? Did you always want a pair of blue eyes instead of the brown ones you were born with? If rib removal sounds Victorian, then iris implants is like something out of a science fiction film. While iris implant surgery was initially developed for people who were born with eye problems or had somehow damaged their eyes, it?s become the de riguer cosmetic procedure. The operation is not FDA approved in the United States or Canada, but that hasn?t stopped people from heading to countries that permit it.

Facial Fat Grafting

A modern spin on the traditional facelift, facial fat grafting uses fat nipped from the buttocks or abdomen and injects it into the lips, nasolabial folds or any other part of the face. This is also known as a stem cell facelift and is supposed to make the face look fuller and more youthful. However, a modern facelift doesn?t need to be invasive, nor does a cosmetic surgeon need to reorganize and redistribute body fat. Science has ushered in an age of quick-healing rejuvenation procedures.

Hair Transplants for Your Beard!

Do you have a baby face and wish you could grow a thicker fuller goatee, moustache, sideburns, or just thicker beard in general? ?Don?t worry, plastic surgeons have the answer for this too. ?Yes, much like procedures for male pattern baldness, you can also get a hair transplant for facial hair. ?I know, it might sound a little like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, but there?s a demand for this type of cosmetic procedure.

It?s a brave new world of cosmetic surgery. The nips, tucks and quick fixes of the past have gotten increasingly more complex and recovery times are far less than they used to be. Today, if you look in the mirror and don?t like what you see, chances are a cosmetic surgeon can fix it.

Related posts:

  1. Cosmetic Surgery and Mole Removal Procedures
  2. 4 Cosmetic Procedures You Might Not Know About
  3. Huge Rise in Weight Loss Procedures Boosts Cosmetic Surgery Industry
  4. 5 Points To Keep In Mind Before Cosmetic Surgery
  5. Can Rhinoplasty Correct Breathing Problems?

Source: http://www.hivehealthmedia.com/cosmetic-surgeries-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/

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