Sunday, March 3, 2013

Home Art Studio :: a personal art teacher!

Many homeschool parents will have at least one subject in which they feel less confident teaching than others.

For our family, while?we appreciate visual arts and encourage learning artists and their works?.the fact remains that actual instruction of art techniques is fairly weak. ?In comes Home Art Studio DVDs ? help for families like us!

What is Home Art Studio?

Art educator Lindsay Volin has created a set of instructional videos for grades K-5, all designed for home-based instruction.

Very easy to follow, these DVDs provide step-by-step instruction on a variety of age-based projects, with plenty of room and encouragement for the child?s creativity. ?Instead of focusing solely on one area, such as drawing or painting, various visual arts are presented, including the arts and crafts type.

Each DVD contains about 14-18 projects depending on grade level. ?There are?PDF lesson plans?to download as well. ?These are quite detailed and include:

  • a short introduction
  • materials needed for the lesson
  • national art standards covered (in lesson)
  • any tips or extras for parents
  • vocabulary to review
  • and more!

Our Experience with Home Art Studio

We received?kindergarten and 4th grade DVDs, and my children set to immediately watching most?of the projects in one big swoop! ?Ms. Volin is incredibly engaging, speaks directly to the student in a pleasant voice, and keeps the entire lesson interesting with little tidbits of info along the way.

The info can be about a particular artist, relate to another subject such as science, or an encouragement to see art in the child?s everyday world.

I really appreciated the videos show top-down shots of the projects as well (as in picture below). ?The camera varies from the teacher talking to the student, to looking over her shoulder, to top-down and back again!

making an owl collage

Home Art Studio: ?Kindergarten

The instruction is complete from start to finished product for 17 different art projects. ?While Ms. Volin will demonstrate each step carefully, students? work will naturally take more time than the videos. ?Most can be accomplished in one day (an hour or so) for a young child, though others do require waiting patiently (ex: something needs to dry before moving on).

In kindergarten, children work with oil pastels, watercolors, tempera paints, crayons, markers, construction paper and more. ?You can find more info and a sample video on kindergarten ? also check out the variety of projects completed at this level!

What my kiddo had to say: ??I like Ms. Volin! ?She tells us many things about artists and art, and she is funny sometimes too! ?My favorite project was?well, I don?t know. ?I like them all!? :)

learning one-point perspective

Home Art Studio: ?Fourth Grade

Definitely more complex, these 4th grade videos still offer step-by-step instruction. ?I did notice the instruction is a bit quicker paced than the lower level, but students are more capable as well ? and that?s what the ?pause? button is for!

Fourth grade offers ideas on one-point perspective (shown above), highlighting and how to use shadows, radial design, collage and much more.

What my girl had to say: ??In this lesson I learned that one-point perspective is all about distance. ?How objects close to you are bigger than objects farther away. ?Ms. Volin said that one-point perspective is part of drawing realistically. ?In the Crazy Cheeseburger lesson, I had fun finding stuff all around the house just like she did! ?These are fun lessons!?

And what?s the crazy cheeseburger you ask? ?Well?

yes, there?s grass & granola in there!

Final Thoughts on Home Art Studio

Because we were not looking for instruction in only one area, this set of DVDs fit perfectly. ?The projects are age-appropriate and extra information presented on general art or artists informative, but not overwhelming.

Projects can done whenever?you choose! ?DVDs can be purchased individually and supplies will be found at a local craft or art store. ?Since many supplies are used for a variety of grade levels, families can share from child to child.

We were very pleased with Homes Art Studio ? highly recommended!

More reviews by fellow Curriculum Choice authors:

Enter to win a complete set for your family. Ms. Volin has been so very generous and is offering a full set ? all grades ? to one Curriculum Choice reader. In addition, Tricia is reviewing and giving away a full set at Hodgepodge too! Just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below. And be sure to head on over to enter at Hodgepodge too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

{post written by Daniele of Domestic Serenity :: homeschooling mama of 5 living among cows and corn in central PA}

Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: Your Passport to Learning Adventures!

Daniele (11 Posts)

I'm a Mama to five kiddos from out-of-highschooler to preschooler living among cows and corn in central PA. Our curriculum choices reflect Charlotte Mason with a Classical Ed flair, and we'll throw in anything else that works! Come on over and visit us - hope to see you there!

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