Friday, March 22, 2013

Under CISPA, Who Can Get Your Data? | Electronic Frontier ...

Under CISPA, companies can collect your information in order to "protect the rights and property" of the company, and then share that information with third parties, including the government, so long as it is for "cybersecurity purposes." Companies aren't required to strip out personally identifiable information from the data they give to the government, and the government can then use the information for purposes wholly unrelated to cybersecurity ? such as "national security," a term the bill leaves undefined.

One question we sometimes get is: Under CISPA, which government agencies can receive this data? For example, could the FBI, NSA, or Immigration and Customs Enforcement receive data if CISPA were to pass?

The answer is yes. Any government agency could receive data from companies if this were to pass, meaning identifiable data could be flowing to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the National Security Agency, or even the Food and Drug Administration.

Below is a list of agencies that could get your data under CISPA (Thanks, Wikipedia!). Note that this is just agencies we've identified; it's possible there are even more we haven't listed here.

Find this offensive and deeply concerning? Email Congress today to oppose CISPA.

Executive Office of the President

Agencies within the Executive Office of the President:

??Council of Economic Advisers
??Council on Environmental Quality
??Domestic Policy Council
??National Economic Council
??National Security Council
??Office of Administration
??Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
??Office of Management and Budget
??Office of National AIDS Policy
??Office of National Drug Control Policy
??Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
??Office of Science and Technology Policy
??Office of the President
????Office of the First Lady
??????Office of the First Children
??Office of the Vice President
????Office of the Second Lady
??????Office of the Second Children
??President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
??President's Intelligence Oversight Board
??President's Intelligence Advisory Board
??United States Trade Representative
??White House Office
??White House Military Office

United States Department of Agriculture

Agencies within the Department of Agriculture:

??Agricultural Marketing Service
??Agricultural Research Service
??Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
??Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
??Economic Research Service
??Farm Service Agency
????Commodity Credit Corporation
??Food and Nutrition Service
??Food Safety and Inspection Service
??Foreign Agricultural Service
??Forest Service
??Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
??Marketing and Regulatory Programs
??National Agricultural Statistics Service
??National Institute of Food and Agriculture
??Natural Resources Conservation Service
??Risk Management Agency
????Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
??Rural Business and Cooperative Programs
??Office of Rural Development
??Research, Education and Economics
??Rural Housing Service
??Rural Utilities Service

United States Department of Commerce

Agencies within the Department of Commerce:

??Census Bureau
??Bureau of Economic Analysis
??Bureau of Industry and Security
??Economic Development Administration
??Economics and Statistics Administration
??Export Enforcement
??Import Administration
??International Trade Administration
????Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
????Invest in America
??Manufacturing and Services
??Marine and Aviation Operations
??Market Access and Compliance
??Minority Business Development Agency
??National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
????NOAA Commissioned Corps
????National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
????National Marine Fisheries Service
????National Oceanic Service
????National Weather Service
??National Telecommunications and Information Administration
??Patent and Trademark Office
??National Institute of Standards and Technology
????National Technical Information Service
??Trade Promotion and the U.S. And Foreign Commercial Service

United States Department of Defense

Agencies within the Department of Defense:

??Department of the Army
????United States Army
????Army Intelligence and Security Command
????Army Corps of Engineers
??Department of the Navy
????United States Navy
??????Office of Naval Intelligence
??????U.S. Naval Academy
????Marine Corps
??????Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
??Department of the Air Force
????United States Air Force
??????Civil Air Patrol
????Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency
??Joint Chiefs of Staff
????J-2 Intelligence
??National Guard Bureau
????Natural Disaster and Disaster Help Program
????J-2 Intelligence Directorate
????Air National Guard
????Army National Guard
????America Citizen Militia
??????America Citizen Militia Intelligence
??Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
??Defense Commissary Agency
??Defense Contract Audit Agency
??Defense Contract Management Agency
??Defense Finance and Accounting Service
??Defense Information Systems Agency
??Defense Intelligence Agency
??Defense Logistics Agency
??Defense Security Cooperation Agency
??Defense Security Service
??Defense Technical Information Center
??Defense Threat Reduction Agency
??Missile Defense Agency
??National Security Agency
????Central Security Service
??National Reconnaissance Office
??National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
??Naval Criminal Investigative Service
??Pentagon Force Protection Agency
??United States Pentagon Police
??American Forces Information Service
??Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office
??Department of Defense Education Activity
??Department of Defense Dependents Schools
??Defense Human Resources Activity
??Office of Economic Adjustment
??TRICARE Management Activity
??Washington Headquarters Services
??West Point Military Academy

United States Department of Education

Agencies within the Department of Education:

??Federal Student Aid
??Institute of Education Sciences
????National Center for Education Statistics
????National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance
??????Education Resources Information Center
????National Center for Education Research
????National Center for Special Education Research
??National Assessment Governing Board
????National Assessment of Educational Progress
??Office for Civil Rights
??Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
????Office of Safe and Healthy Students
??Office of Postsecondary Education
??Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
????National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
????Office of Special Education Programs
????Rehabilitation Services Administration
????Special institutions
??????American Printing House for the Blind
??????National Technical Institute for the Deaf
??????Gallaudet University
??Office of Vocational and Adult Education

United States Department of Energy

List of agencies within the Department of Energy:

??Energy Information Administration
??Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
??National Laboratories & Technology Centers
????University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
??National Nuclear Security Administration
??Power Marketing Administrations:
????Bonneville Power Administration
????Southeastern Power Administration
????Southwestern Power Administration
????Western Area Power Administration

United States Department of Health and Human Services

Agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services:

??Administration on Aging
??Administration for Children and Families
????Administration for Children, Youth and Families
??Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
??Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
????National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
????Epidemic Intelligence Service
??????National Center for Health Statistics
??Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
??Food and Drug Administration
????Reagan-Udall Foundation
??Health Resources and Services Administration
??Patient Affordable Healthcare Care Act Program {to be implemented fully in 2014}
????Independent Payment Advisory Board
??Indian Health Service
??National Institutes of Health
??National Health Intelligence Service
??Public Health Service
????Federal Occupational Health
????Office of the Surgeon General
????United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
??Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

United States Department of Homeland Security


??Federal Emergency Management Agency
????FEMA Corps
????U.S. Fire Administration
????National Flood Insurance Program
??Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
??Transportation Security Administration
??United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
??United States Coast Guard (Transfers to Department of Defense during declared war or national emergency)
????Coast Guard Intelligence
????National Ice Center
????United States Ice Patrol
??United States Customs and Border Protection
????Office of Air and Marine
????Office of Border Patrol
??????U.S. Border Patrol
????????Border Patrol Intelligence
????Office of Field Operations
??United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
??United States Secret Service
????Secret Service Intelligence Service


??Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
??Office of Health Affairs
????Office of Component Services
????Office of International Affairs and Global Health Security
????Office of Medical Readiness
????Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Biodefense
??Office of Intelligence and Analysis
??Office of Operations Coordination
??Office of Policy
????Homeland Security Advisory Council
????Office of International Affairs
????Office of Immigration Statistics
????Office of Policy Development
????Office for State and Local Law Enforcement
????Office of Strategic Plans
????Private Sector Office


??Directorate for Management

National Protection and Programs

??National Protection and Programs Directorate
????Federal Protective Service
????Office of Cybersecurity and Communications
??????National Communications System
??????National Cyber Security Division
????????United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
??????Office of Emergency Communications
????Office of Infrastructure Protection
????Office of Risk Management and Analysis
????United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT)

Science and Technology

??Science and Technology Directorate
????Environmental Measurements Laboratory


??Innovation/Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
??Office of Research
????Office of National Laboratories
????Office of University Programs
????Program Executive Office, Counter Improvised Explosive Device
??Office of Transition
????Commercialization Office
????Long Range Broad Agency Announcement Office
????Product Transition Office
????Safety Act Office
????Technology Transfer Office


??Border and Maritime Security Division
??Chemical and Biological Division
??Command, Control and Interoperability Division
??Explosives Division
??Human Factors Division
??Infrastructure/Geophysical Division

Offices and Institutes

??Business Operations Division
????Executive Secretariat Office
????Human Capital Office
????Key Security Office
????Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
????Office of the Chief Information Officer
????Planning and Management
??Corporate Communications Division
??Interagency and First Responders Programs Division
??International Cooperative Programs Office
??Operations Analysis Division
????Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute
????Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute
??Strategy, Policy and Budget Division
??Special Programs Division
??Test & Evaluation and Standards Division

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development


??Federal Housing Administration
??Federal Housing Finance Agency


??Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HUD)
??Departmental Enforcement Center
??Office of Community Planning and Development
??Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations
??Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
??Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
??Office of Field Policy and Management
??Office of the General Counsel
??Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
??Office of Hearings and Appeals
??Office of Labor Relations
??Office of Policy Development and Research
??Office of Public Affairs
??Office of Public and Indian Housing
??Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
??Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities


??Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)

United States Department of the Interior


??Bureau of Indian Affairs
??Bureau of Land Management
??Bureau of Reclamation
??Fish and Wildlife Service
??Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (formerly Minerals Management Service)
??Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (formerly Minerals Management Service)
??National Park Service
??Office of Insular Affairs
??Office of Surface Mining
????National Mine Map Repository
??United States Geological Survey

United States Department of Justice


??Antitrust Division
??Asset Forfeiture Program
??Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
??Civil Division
??Civil Rights Division
??Community Oriented Policing Services
??Community Relations Service
??Criminal Division
??Diversion Control Program
??Drug Enforcement Administration
??Environment and Natural Resources Division
??Executive Office for Immigration Review
??Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
??Executive Office for United States Attorneys
??Executive Office for United States Trustees
??Federal Bureau of Investigation
??Federal Bureau of Prisons
??Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
??INTERPOL - United States National Central Bureau
??Justice Management Division
??National Crime Information Center
??National Drug Intelligence Center
??National Institute of Corrections
??National Security Division
??Office of the Associate Attorney General
??Office of the Attorney General
??Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management
??Office of the Chief Information Officer
??Office of the Deputy Attorney General
??Office of Dispute Resolution
??Office of the Federal Detention Trustee
??Office of Information Policy
??Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison
??Office of Intelligence and Analysis
??Office of Justice Programs
????Bureau of Justice Assistance
????Bureau of Justice Statistics
????Community Capacity Development Office
????National Criminal Justice Reference Service
????National Institute of Justice
????Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
????Office for Victims of Crime
??Office of Legal Counsel
??Office of Legal Policy
??Office of Legislative Affairs
??Office of the Pardon Attorney
??Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
??Office of Professional Responsibility
??Office of Public Affairs
??Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking
??Office of the Solicitor General
??Office of Special Counsel
??Office of Tribal Justice
??Office on Violence Against Women
??Professional Responsibility Advisory Office
??Tax Division
??United States Attorneys
??United States Marshals
??United States Parole Commission
??United States Trustee Program

United States Department of Labor

Agencies and Bureaus

??Bureau of International Labor Affairs
??Bureau of Labor Statistics
??Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DOL)
??Employee Benefits Security Administration
??Employment and Training Administration
??Job Corps
??Mine Safety and Health Administration
??Occupational Safety and Health Administration
??Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
??Veterans' Employment and Training Service
??Wage and Hour Division
??Women's Bureau


??Administrative Review Board
??Benefits Review Board
??Employees' Compensation Appeals Board


??Office of Administrative Law Judges
??Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
??Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy
??Office of the Chief Financial Officer
??Office of the Chief Information Officer
??Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
??Office of Disability Employment Policy
??Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
??Office of Labor-Management Standards
??Office of the Solicitor
??Office of Worker's Compensation Program
??Ombudsman for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program

United States Department of State

Agencies and Bureaus

??National Council for the Traditional Arts

Reporting to the Secretary

??Bureau of Intelligence and Research
??Bureau of Legislative Affairs
??Office of the Legal Adviser

Reporting to the Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources

??Executive Secretariat
??Office of the Chief of Protocol
??Office for Civil Rights
??Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism
??Office of the United States Global AIDS Coordinator
??Office of Global Criminal Justice
??Policy Planning Staff

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security

??Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
??Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
??Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs

??Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
??Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
??Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
??Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs

??Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Management

??Bureau of Administration
??Bureau of Consular Affairs
????Office of Overseas Citizens Services
??Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS)
????Diplomatic Security Service (DSS)
????Office of Foreign Missions (OFM)
????Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)
??Bureau of Human Resources
????Family Liaison Office
??Bureau of Information Resource Management
??Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations
??Bureau of Resource Management
??Foreign Service Institute
??Office of Management Policy, Rightsizing and Innovation

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs

??Bureau of African Affairs
??Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
??Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
??Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
??Bureau of International Organization Affairs
??Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
??Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
??Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

??Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
??Bureau of International Information Programs
??Bureau of Public Affairs
????Office of the Historian
??Office of Policy, Planning and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Permanent Diplomatic Missions

??United States Mission to the African Union
??United States Mission to ASEAN
??United States mission to the Arab League
??United States mission to the Council of Europe (and to all other European Agencies)
??United States Mission to International Organizations in Vienna
??United States Mission to the European Union
??United States Mission to the International Civil Aviation Organization
??United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
??United States Mission to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
??United States Mission to the Organization of American States
??United States Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
??United States Mission to the United Nations
??United States Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome
??United States Mission to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva
??United States Observer Mission to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
??United States Permanent Mission to the United Nations Environment Program and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme

United States Department of Transportation


??Bureau of Transportation Statistics
??Federal Aviation Administration
????Air Traffic Organization
??Federal Highway Administration
??Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
??Federal Railroad Administration
??Federal Transit Administration
??Maritime Administration
??National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
??Office of Intelligence, Security and Emergency Response
??Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
??Research and Innovative Technology Administration
??Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
??Surface Transportation Board

United States Department of the Treasury

Agencies and Bureaus

??Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
??Bureau of Engraving and Printing
??Bureau of the Public Debt
??Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
??Federal Consulting Group
??Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
??Financial Management Service
??Internal Revenue Service
??Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
????Office of Thrift Supervision
??Office of Financial Stability
??United States Mint


??Office of Domestic Finance
??Office of Economic Policy
??Office of International Affairs
??Office of Tax Policy
??Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
??Treasurer of the United States

United States Department of Veterans Affairs


??National Cemetery Administration
??Veterans Benefits Administration
??Veterans Health Administration

Independent Agencies and Government Corporations

??Administrative Conference of the United States
??Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
??African Development Foundation
??Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
??Armed Forces Retirement Home
??Central Intelligence Agency
??Commission on Civil Rights
??Commodity Futures Trading Commission
??Consumer Product Safety Commission
??Corporation for National and Community Service
??Corporation for Public Broadcasting
??Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
??Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
??Election Assistance Commission
??Environmental Protection Agency
??Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
??Export-Import Bank of the United States
??Farm Credit Administration
??Federal Communications Commission
??Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
??Federal Election Commission
??Federal Housing Finance Board
??Federal Labor Relations Authority
??Federal Maritime Commission
??Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
??Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
??Federal Reserve System
????United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
??Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
??Federal Trade Commission
??General Services Administration
??Helen Keller National Center
??Institute of Museum and Library Services
??Inter-American Foundation
??International Broadcasting Bureau
??Merit Systems Protection Board
??Military Postal Service Agency
??National Aeronautics and Space Administration
??National Archives and Records Administration
????Office of the Federal Register
??National Capital Planning Commission
??National Constitution Center
??National Council on Disability
??National Credit Union Administration
????Central Liquidity Facility
??National Endowment for the Arts
??National Endowment for the Humanities
??National Labor Relations Board
??National Mediation Board
??National Science Foundation
????United States Antarctic Program
??National Transportation Safety Board
??Nuclear Regulatory Commission
??Office of the Federal Coordinator, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects
??Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
??Office of Compliance
??Office of Government Ethics
??Office of Personnel Management
????Federal Executive Institute
????Combined Federal Campaign
??Office of Special Counsel
??Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive
??Office of the Director of National Intelligence
????Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
??Overseas Private Investment Corporation
??Panama Canal Commission
??Peace Corps
??Postal Regulatory Commission
??Railroad Retirement Board
??Securities and Exchange Commission
??Securities Investor Protection Corporation
??Selective Service System
??Small Business Administration
??Social Security Administration
??Tennessee Valley Authority
??U.S. Trade and Development Agency
??United States Agency for International Development
??United States International Trade Commission
??United States Postal Service

Inspectors General


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